Cosy Thame

Energy efficient homes for a greener, cosier, and cheaper winter



24th January 2023 6.30pm

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Helping Thame Residents save money on heating bills

With energy bills soaring Thame Green Living has partnered with a number of organisations to help Thame residents save money on their heating bills, and make their homes cosier and greener.

First, we’re checking out how much energy Thame might be wasting. This November we’ll be taking thermal images of homes across the town to see where precious heat is being lost.

If you think your home is leaking warmth into the street there’s a lot you can do about it.

We’ve partnered with several organisations to help you get professional information and advice:

Low Carbon Oxford North: Their six Housewarming Guides are a great source of information on how to make your home more fuel efficient.

Low Carbon Hub Oxfordshire: This social enterprise has brought together advice and links to trusted contractors on this website to help you improve your home’s thermal efficiency and save money.

Cosy Homes Oxfordshire: How to retrofit your home to improve its thermal efficiency. Includes a free planning tool.

Citizens Advice Thame: If you’re on a low income they can help you get access to grants and ways to save money on fuel.

Want to get involved?

We need help in two areas:

Case Studies

We want to show the difference thermal efficiency makes to homes both in terms of cosiness, economy, and green impact. If you’re planning to make changes to improve the thermal efficiency of your home then please get in touch. We can help you with monitoring before and after the changes you make.

Fuel Poverty

If you know somebody who’s likely to suffer hardship because of soaring fuel prices then get in touch with us or Citizens Advice Thame. We’re getting together volunteers who can help with reducing draughts in homes. Or, if you’d like to help somebody who’s trying to keep their home cosy this winter then please get in touch.

If you would like to get involved in this project please do send us a message via our contact page indicating in the message field that it’s Cosy Thame you are interested in and David will get in contact.