Thame’s ten-year plan for a cleaner, greener place to live

‘Turn it off’ Thame

‘Turn it off’ Thame

Air pollution is the biggest environmental risk to health. A recent report from The Lancet Commission on pollution and health (2017), estimates that within the UK, air pollution is linked to 50,000 deaths each year. Could you play a part in tackling this in Thame?
QEC Recreation Ground Planting

QEC Recreation Ground Planting

The Queen Elizabeth Circle Recreation Area lies south-west of Tythrop Way. As part of a joint project with 21st Century Thame and Thame Town Council we have planted trees here – but they need a team to sustain them. Could you help?
An illustration of the Thame Outer Ring

Thame Walking Routes

Since the launch of the Green Living Plan in 2020, two new walking routes in and around Thame have been developed: Thame Inner Circuit and Thame Outer Circuit. Find out more before going for a walk

Latest news

Be part of the Air Quality Monitoring Project

Be part of the Air Quality Monitoring Project

Recently there has been a coroner’s verdict that air pollution made a ‘material contribution’ to the death of Ella Kissi-Debrah.  This is a world first. …

Planting projects need a maintenance team

Planting projects need a maintenance team

Thame Green Living is working with #ThameTrees of 21st Century Thame, Thame Town Council, SODC, Carmichael UK and John Morris (local tree expert) to plant…

Love Thame, Hate Waste

Love Thame, Hate Waste

Overview This umbrella campaign has been developed to help educate and enable Thame residents and businesses to reduce their waste and, by doing so, save…

Phoenix Energy Community – Energy Efficient Homes and Businesses for Everyone

Phoenix Energy Community – Energy Efficient Homes and Businesses for Everyone

The newly formed Phoenix Energy Community is a collaborative volunteer team from THAME  |  HADDENHAM  |  LONG CRENDON |  OTHER LOCAL VILLAGES OUR VISION Everyone…

Get involved

QEC Recreation Ground Planting
QEC Recreation Ground Planting

Where is it? The Queen Elizabeth Circle (QEC) Recreation Area lies south-west of Tythrop Way – opposite the skatepark.  On 23 November 2022, 16 trees…

Thame Walking Routes
An illustration of the Thame Outer Ring

Since the launch of the Green Living Plan in 2020, two new walking routes in and around Thame have been developed. Thame Inner Circuit: A…

The Triangle Planting Project
The Triangle Planting Project

The Triangle Where is it? The Triangle lies north of Tythrop Way – adjacent the skatepark.  As part of a previous Thame Green Living project…

Verge Restoration
Verge Restoration

As those who have seen the inspiring film ‘Six Inches of Soil’ will know, much of life ultimately depends on the health and vitality of…

Take 2 easy steps to get involved


The Thame Green Living Plan has been developed to protect and enhance quality of life for everyone locally in the things that really matter – our air, our water, our overall well-being and the natural world that surrounds us.

Explore the plan online – where you will also be able to find out more about action already being taken, or read a pdf version of the plan using the link on the left.

For a short introduction to the Thame Green Living Plan and easy ways to get involved, download our leaflet.


There’s something for everyone to get involved with.

From an hour a week to as many hours as you would like.

From organising tree planting to just turning up at planting parties.

From desktop research to active monitoring.

Look through the plan to find what you’re interested in, read through the projects, events and activities using the top navigation menu, and explore the Get Involved page, and then Contact Us to find what will suit you and your lifestyle.

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Thame Green Living will treat the information you provide here as confidential, to be used only for communicating with you about the Thame Green Living Plan and related issues. You may request that your contact details are updated or deleted by sending us a message using our contact form.