Thame Green Living Plan

The Thame Green Living Plan has been developed to protect and enhance quality of life for everyone locally in the things that really matter – our air, our water, our overall well-being and the natural world that surrounds us.

Below you can find out more about the plan with links to details about how it was created by a team of dedicated volunteers who worked with Thame Town Council over a period of 6 years until it was finally adopted by the council in July 2020.

A summary document to give you an overview of the plan can be found here, or delve deeper using the links below

What is in the plan?

The plan cover 5 broad areas and recommends a series of actions that can be taken within each. The areas are outlined here. Click on each to read more about this area of work and see the detailed objectives and actions the plan identified as needed.

How and how soon will the recommendations be acted on?

Three main factors will affect how quickly the recommendations can be implemented:

Individual actions

What each of us can do right now. Examples include garden planting for biodiversity, changing home heating arrangements, and using our own cars less or sharing them more with others.

Community actions

These depend on groups coming together to work collaboratively on projects such as planting trees, creating communal green spaces and shared car clubs.

Infrastructure changes

Greater structural changes, typically involving broader public consultation, local authority support and public funding.

For example, anything involving roads or car parks will need clear backing from the community and our district and county councils. All this will make timescales more open-ended.

Progress to date

Coming soon…. you will be able to see what progress has been made against the plan here soon. Watch this space.