A magical polar bear visits Thame

On Saturday 12th December, the 12th door of the Thame Advent Calendar was opened and those lucky enough to be in Thame High Street were treated to a visit of a magical polar bear.

With a body handcrafted from 86 upcycled plastic milk containers by Thame resident, Kay Sentance, the polar bear brought a smile to lots of faces as he wandered around town. Named by Ben, who met him on his wanderings, Frosty walked past the town hall, went to meet The Book House puffin before finally making his way for a drink at the War Memorial gardens.

But Frosty also had a serious message, as Kay explains: “Because of climate change, the icebergs are melting, and polar bears are having to look for new homes. I made Frosty the polar bear both to bring a bit of magic to Thame this Christmas but also to highlight how we all need to think about the impact we are having on our world. In Thame we have the opportunity to all make a difference, with the Thame Green Living Plan guiding the way”.

Frosty the polar bear’s walk through Thame marked the official start to Thame Green Living’s LOVE THAME HATE WASTE campaign. Joining together with individuals, local businesses and community groups, the campaign has been developed to inspire and empower everyone in Thame to take care of our resources and cut down what we waste.


We asked members of the LOVE THAME HATE WASTE community to share some of their favourite ideas of how to have a waste-free Christmas – reducing impact on the planet, saving money AND importantly never compromising on festive fabulous-ness. Read more here for ideas for planet-friendly crafts, gift wrapping, shopping second hand, seasonal food – and how to recycle all your seasonal waste.

Merry Christmas from everyone at Thame Green Living – and Frosty the Polar Bear!

#ChristmasInThame #LoveThameHateWaste #ThameGreenLiving

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