Howland Road tree planting

Volunteers at Howland road

In 2021 there was great success in the planting of 17 trees on Howland Road on the verges both sides of the ring road opposite Lucy Electric UK Ltd.  This was a collaboration between Thame Green Living, Thame Trees (part of 21st Century Thame), Thame Town Council and Lucy Electric UK Ltd, whose generous donation also paid for the trees.

According to the Wildlife Trusts, there are 300,000 miles of road verges in the UK, which are home to almost half of the country’s native wildflower species. As well as verges, around Thame there are also additional green spaces which could sustain trees and hedging thereby providing carbon capture and an increase in habitat for the local bio-diversity. Thame’s Green Living Plan identified the need to make the most of these spaces, and several projects have since taken place to make this happen. Thame’s ‘Verge Restoration’ project was one of these.

The project aims to rebuild verge habitats that can support local wildlife, and to capture carbon from vehicle exhausts as motorists travel the outer ring road of Thame. Verges like those on Howland Road are surprisingly important for wildlife. They can provide as an oasis for all manner of plant and insect life, while acting as vital links between larger habitats.

The project aimed to plant a selection of modest-sized native trees on both sides of Howland Road, by the entrance to the Lucy Electric site and adjacent commercial buildings, with more areas to be added later. All the immediate verges were still cut to maintain vital sight lines. The planting combination will eventually grow into a refreshing green canopy that will benefit a host of local wildlife, while providing a pleasant outlook for local residents, employees and walkers.

Local residents were informed of the plans prior to planting and generally offered lots of positive engagement about the project.

Could you play a part in planting more green areas?

There are now a team of people involved in exploring other areas around Thame that could sustain further planting. If you want to get involved in identifying these, or helping to plant them when plans are made then get in contact.

Tell us about other green spaces that you know of

Is there a green space near you that could benefit from additional planting? Let us know using the form opposite!

Get involved in this project

    With funding from

    With thanks to Lucy Electric who paid for the trees – and helped to plant them!


    This was a collaboration between Thame Green Living, Thame Trees (part of 21st Century Thame), Thame Town Council and Lucy Electric UK Ltd.

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