Rotary Phoenix in Thame & District is calling on all environment minded people to give a hand to clear up the banks of the Scotgrove Stream, a tributary of the river Thame over the weekend of 7 and 8 May 2022.
The event has been planned by Rotary in partnership with Thame Wombles and Thame Green Living.
Here is the main information about the event.
- What to clear and where: Clear both banks of the Scotgrove stream at Thame Services / Esso Garage Travelodge Hotel to the Crendon Bridge (B4011)
- How to get there: walk from Thame or arrange drop off by car in front of the Travelodge Hotel, OX9 3SB, accessible via the Esso forecourt on B4011 road to Long Crendon.
- Registration: on their arrival volunteers must report at the welcome table and gazebo in front of Travelodge. Instructions on what to do and hi viz jackets will be provided.
- What to do: collect debris, rubbish, pre cut dead wood into builder bags placed on the banks
- When: Sat 7th May and Sunday 8th May from 09:00 till 15:00. Wrap up: 15:00-16:00
- Time slots: 09:00-12:00 and 12:00-15:00
- Required equipment: Bring your own strong / hard wearing boots / Wellington boots, hard wearing garden gloves suitable for picking up branches and debris. High-viz jackets and builder bags will be provided by Thame Wombles
- Who can volunteer: all volunteers must be in good physical condition and attend the event at their own risk. Children and young persons under the age of 18 must be supervised by a responsible adult.
- What to clear and where: Clear both banks of the Scotgrove stream at Thame Services / Esso Garage Travelodge Hotel to the Crendon Bridge (B4011)
- How to get there: walk from Thame or arrange drop off by car in front of the Travelodge Hotel, OX9 3SB, accessible via the Esso forecourt on B4011 road to Long Crendon.
- Registration: on their arrival volunteers must report at the welcome table and gazebo in front of Travelodge. Instructions on what to do and hi viz jackets will be provided.
- What to do: collect debris, rubbish, pre cut dead wood into builder bags placed on the banks
- When: Sat 7th May and Sunday 8th May from 09:00 till 15:00. Wrap up: 15:00-16:00
- Time slots: 09:00-12:00 and 12:00-15:00
- Required equipment: Bring your own strong / hard wearing boots / Wellington boots, hard wearing garden gloves suitable for picking up branches and debris. High-viz jackets and builder bags will be provided by Thame Wombles
- Who can volunteer: all volunteers must be in good physical condition and attend the event at their own risk. Children and young persons under the age of 18 must be supervised by a responsible adult.
Background about the event: this project is part of Rotary Thames Valley’s Thame and tributaries clean up scheduled to take place across River Thames and its tributaries over the 7 and 8 May weekend. The objectives of this initiative include: reduce the amount of plastic and other debris in the River Thames and tributaries, raise awareness of the issues of plastic waste finding its way into the water table and oceans, work and engage with other local environment groups, raise awareness of Rotary as a responsible environmental activist, respect the river users and the wildlife.
Rotary Phoenix club’s doors are open to welcome new volunteer members, women and men.
To find out more about the Rotary Club of Thame & District or how to join, please visit or or
- Rotary International was founded in 1905 in Chicago and is now one of the world’s largest international voluntary organisation with 1.2 million women and men as members. There are 33,000 clubs in 200 countries and geographical areas.
- Rotary clubs are open to women and men who want to use their experience for the benefit of others.
- Rotary initiates local and global projects to promote world understanding and peace and improve life conditions for people of all ages and cultures. To find out more, visit
Contact: Marius Ciortan | mobile: 07871 644 434 | [email protected] for more information.